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Dusk said:
oniyide said:

@ bolded but doesnt that prove my point of them not having anything to show? I mean sure lets say thats true, but i promise that outside of some forum goers you cant sell your 500 dollar machine and then say "wait for software updates to see what it can do!" That dog dont hunt as has been proven by the sales.

The fact that that technology exist in devices that people most likely already HAVE doesnt make a strong case for Kinect. Again nobody trying to pay 500 for something they know they already have access to or can be gotten for much cheaper. Maybe they werent incapable or unwilling, but they sure as hell werent prepared and thats MS' burden to bare.

@Bolded That's kind of funny this gen. That's exactly what all three systems have done so far, as far as home consoles go, for the 8th gen. Sony only just released a software update of a major feature they were talking up before the system was released. The sleep/stand-by mode. So I would most certainly argue it hasn't been proven by sales in the slightest. 

Of course it's MS's burden to bare. They have done what they have done and it's entirely on them. You speak as if I have made some excuses for their goofs, I haven't in the slightest. In my opinion they went entirely the wrong way with the X1. When they should have really shown what the Kinect could do and make it that 'must have' piece of tech, like the Wii or PS4, they decided to play the exact same game as Sony with the PS4 and almost go carbon copy, just slightly inferior. So despite the hard core Xbox/halo and some of their exclusives, there isn't much of a reason to get an X1 over a PS4 now. The main selling factor since they are almost twins almost entirely comes down to price right now. X1 sold like crazy when the price was reduced over the holidays, there is a reason for that. The biggest thing that the PS4 has going for it right now is its momentum and people wanting to get what their friends have got. 

not really. you cant really compare the sleep/stand-by thing to Kinect. Lets be honest they werent pushing that anywhere near to what MS was pushing with Kinect not even close. MS went so far to say the system wouldnt work without it (which was clearly a lie). Honestly Sony really hasnt pushed much features which IMHO is why its doing as well as it is against the others. 

Wasnt insutianting you were making excuses for them, just making a point. The didnt play the same game as PS4 at all. Pretty sure SOny didnt try to push a set top box with DRM and all that. NOW they are doing carbon copy, but can you blame them? What they were doing wasnt working so it makes sense to follow the leader. The thing is there was NEVER really a reason to get xboxone over PS4 again as the sales have shown. The Kinect just hurt them by having to have the price increase a 100 bucks more which people were NOT willing to pay for. Price always played a factor.