GribbleGrunger said:
bananaking21 said:
tokilamockingbrd said: Monthly Update Huge jump for BB. T-0- #5 BB- #6 PS4- #7 XB1- #14 BB CE- #21 (was out of stock for over a week) I think BB will be number 4 for the month only behind the cards. I think the CE will make it top 10 if it has supply for the next week. |
bloodborne is seriously beasting. still 2 days till launch and its been stuck at number 4 and 5 for a few days now, that CE edition is really impressing me. i hope this just isnt amazon sales and this translates to other retailers and is shown in NPD. would be great if this cracked a million sales in its first week.
Jesus, I only just realised what that BB CE was LOL. This is going to be good.
I dont think the CE sales correlate with other retailers. I check 4 local shops and none had any left for preorder. So if people want the CE they have to order from Amazon. But I do think the CE is cutting into the sales of the base game on Amazon. If the CE were still out of stock there would be a better chance BB could pass these card. For all we know many of the cards could be for people to buy BB digital!