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shikamaru317 said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

While Type-0 might be overpriced, which depends on the user really, I don't see how anyone could come to conclusion it sold poorly because of "value". If that's the case then why would a great game with value like Sunset Overdrive sell as low as it did? Some genres and games just won't sell relatively well on Xbox, regardless of value, because the game doesn't appeal to the overall fanbase.

The thing is that I've talked to alot of Xbox gamers that told me they skipped Ground Zeroes and Type-0 HD because of their low value, but will buy MGS V: TPP and FFXV. I personally rented Ground Zeroes and will wait to buy Type-0 HD until it's on sale, but plan to buy both FFXV and MGS V: TPP Day 1. It is anecdotal evidence, but it is enough to make me believe that both MGS V: TPP and FFXV will sell much better on XB1 than Ground Zeroes and Type-0 HD did.

That won't be that hard to do, no offense. Also that still doesn't answer the question as to why something like Sunset Overdrive sold less than it deserved. Did Xbox gamers see low value in that as well? I'm just trying to say that maybe it isn't value that is stopping XBO owners from buying those games, but because there are less fans of those games on the system.