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shikamaru317 said:

The thing is that I've talked to alot of Xbox gamers that told me they skipped Ground Zeroes and Type-0 HD because of their low value, but will buy MGS V: TPP and FFXV. I personally rented Ground Zeroes and will wait to buy Type-0 HD until it's on sale, but plan to buy both FFXV and MGS V: TPP Day 1. It is anecdotal evidence, but it is enough to make me believe that both MGS V: TPP and FFXV will sell much better on XB1 than Ground Zeroes and Type-0 HD did.

This ^^^

When GZ came out on Steam last year it came in at around £11, I don't recall the console versions costing as low as £11 and that price was eprfectly fine value for me but if they asked me a fullon £30-40 they can jog right on because there's not that much value in such a short demo version of a game and this is coming from a MGS fan who's played the whole series for years, there is most definitely a value when it comes to pricing, not everyone sees $60 or £50 as great value, in fact I see that as too hgiher asking price ebcause if the game is very short, buggy and broken then you've effectively conned the gamers out of thier hard earned money.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"