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shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Sounds like quite an intelligent showing from the Xbox gamers if you ask me. If it were anymore obvious like half of Type 0's price tag was for FFXV demo admission they might as well have gone on kickstarter and asked fans to pitch in for the rest of the full game's development. 

Type 0 at $60 is nothing short of robbery lol 

I think you hit the nail on the thread there Angelus. I've seen people trying to suggest that Metal Gear Solid V shouldn't be multiplat because Ground Zeroes didn't sell well on XB1, and now other people are making the same argument about Type- 0 HD and FFXV. What those people fail to realize is that because neither FF or MGS has much of a history on Xbox, there is far less loyalty to those franchises among Xbox fans than there is among Playstation fans. Due to their franchise loyalty, PS fans can overlook the poor value of $40 for a demo (Ground Zeroes), and $60 for a port of a PSP game (Type-0), but it's not so easy for Xbox gamers to overlook that same poor value. I feel like FFXV and MGS V:TPP will sell much better on XB1 than Type-0 HD and Ground Zeroes did.

While Type-0 might be overpriced, which depends on the user really, I don't see how anyone could come to conclusion it sold poorly because of "value". If that's the case then why would a great game with value like Sunset Overdrive sell as low as it did? Some genres and games just won't sell relatively well on Xbox, regardless of value, because the game doesn't appeal to the overall fanbase.