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Mummelmann said:
JEMC said:

When I asked for your setup, I wasn't really talking about that RAM set but the CPU/mobo because as of now, DDR4 only works Intel's top of the line range: the s2011v3 with its i7-5xx0 processors. And the cheapest of them all is the i7-5820K which already costs about 400 € or almost 1/4th of the total budget you said earlier of 2000$.

Regarding the GPUs, I'm sure Nvidia will win in power consumption (it will be lower), while heat and noise will come down to aftermarket coolers. AMD will probably be cheaper. We'll see who wins the performance battle.

Ah, I misread your question.

I'm looking into a i7-5820K 6-core @ 3.3GHz, the 5930K costs almost exactly twice as much here and since I'll only be running a single GPU (too much clutter with drivers and software stutter with SLi and Crossfire still) and I don't really need the 40PCIe lanes (I might get two SSD discs, one small for system and one larger for games but they should only require 4 each). The unit itself is plenty fast and can easily be clocked about 25-30% and CPU is hardly the bottleneck in games.

All the units with Haswell architecture are really expensive but they score really well and have great build quality, never been a fan of AMD's way of beefing up performance by simply adding a bunch of extra cores and they generally don't overclock that well without cooking.

I enjoy good performance and I'm willing to spend a great deal on a good rig that will last for 4 years or so, I've never actually upgraded my rigs since I buy powerful components right away and there will often be compatability issues with the hardware after one or two cycles/generations (my current motherboard would not accomodate a GTX 980 so I'd need a new one, which would require me to change the RAM as well and I also needed a new PSU etc etc).

The main thing is that PC components are terribly expensive here in Scandinavia, I'm almost insulted by how cheap everything is in the US (the UK is not so cheap though, looked into importing as well).

Yeah, prices in the US are ridiculously cheap. A i7-5930K is around the 600 € mark here in Spain.

But most of the extra cost are taxes that mean better public education and healthcare, so it's not a bad trade-off. My main gripe is that prices in the USA go down faster than here.


@Chazore: If you're getting a 780Ti, I personally would wait and not get a 980. Yes, it has 1GB extra of RAM and uses less power/produces less heat, but it's not a real upgrade performance-wise but rather a side-grade. I'd wait for the 10x0 series or the 980Ti.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.