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Kresnik said:

Funny that Vita discussion should pop up in this thread and then you say this.  It's the argument pretty much every Vita fan puts forward to defend shodding porting (yes, it's crap, but it's playable once you get used to it).

Well, I've never had a crucial problem with a game flawed on its technical problems. Unless you pull some game-breaking thing on me (like running at 4fps or something like that for the whole game), I can pretty much endure every thing thrown at me. So why complain about Revelations 2? I dont' know...I just feel the impotence as I know installing the game on the hard drive would resolve most of these problems I'm talking about, yet the option to do so doesn't exist. There's only two 360 games that I know of that doesn't allow installing on the hard drive. It's extremely weird.