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zorg1000 said:
DanneSandin said:

When I said double dipping I was also talking about people buying a 3DS several times over... And I think you're overestimating how much MK would sell on a unified NX system; 16-17m seems like a lot since MK7 and 8 so far have sold 15m together, and I'm pretty sure a few million of those cosyumers have both copies... But maybe you're not far off.

And I totally agree with your last paragraph! Some franchises won't sell as many copies per gen, while others will do better. With the Fusion NIntendo will be able to release more games from different series, which should be a really good thing.

I know u were talking about people who have bought multiple version of 3DS but then again what makes u think Nintendo won't release multiple versions of NX handhelds? We will still get revisions and plenty of special editions.

MK7+8 shipments are a little over 16 million right now and both are still selling. MK7 released in 2011 yet still shipped 1.8 million so far this fiscal year. When all is said and done it could be 20 million for MK7+8, in which case 16-17 million wouldn't be unlikely if they were a single title on both platforms.

Look at it this way, let's assume that each Mario Kart unit is sold at full price

Mario Kart 7-$40×13,000,000 units=$520,000,000 revenue

Mario Kart 8-$60×7,000,000 units=$420,000,000 revenue

Mario Kart 7+8=$940,000,000 revenue+MK8 DLC=roughly $1 billion revenue

Mario Kart NX-$60×15,000,000 units=900,000,000 revenue+DLC=roughly $1 billion revenue

See how they can still make the same amount of money by selling 5 million less units and are likely making more profit by developing and advertising one game instead of 2 seperate games while still able to go ahead and make a new game 2-3 years later?

I think you're bringing up  VERY interesting point, although you don't adress it at all; what price point will the NX games have?! If they are part portible and part stationary... What price should they have? Will Nintendo sell certain games at $60 and optimize them for the home console and others for $40 optimize for portability?

Try that calculation but have MK NX at $40: 15m x 40 = 600,000,000 + 100,000,000 in DLC.... in this case they're making 30% less...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.