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Soundwave said:
DanneSandin said:

But that would leave only the Nintendo fans to buy their system, and that's an increasingly smaller and smaller group it seems. And only making ONE version of every game would mean less revenue from that particular franchise. One Mario Kart/gen, one Smash/gen, one 2D Mario/gen. Would the dedicated gaming industry even the worth it to Nintendo in the end?

I agree that Nintendo will, or at least should, become more of... an entertainment conglomerate

Who says they only can make ONE of each IP per generation? They could make Mario Kart 9 and then have Mario Kart 10, two-three years later. Main difference is they'll just work on both home and portable versions. 

Instead of EAD Tokyo having to make a 3D Land and 3D World, maybe they'll simply be able to make one singular "3D World" title and then move on to making say a Mario 64-style game the next time around or even a new IP if they so choose to. 

Because that's what Nintendo always does with most of their big franchises. It's not often we get 2 home console Zeldas or 3D Super Mario, and we've NEVER had 2 Mario Karts or Smash - and I certainly hope they don't start now just because they make the Fusion a reality! Then the critics would have a point about them milking their franchises (which I don't think they di right now).

I like your last paragraph, and that would perhaps be the best solution! A 3D World AND a 64/Galaxy Mario per gen would be awesome! They could also do something similar with Mario Kart and release Diddy Kong Racing instead of a new MK. And they could make a 2D and a 3D Zelda each gen. The main point would be that every game is quite similar but plays a bit differently and looks/feels differently. I like it!

Soundwave said:
I don't think mass user base is really the no.1 priority anymore for NX.

With smartphone apps they have access to the wide gaming market and can rest easy that the broad kids market is being exposed to Nintendo IP at a young age. It will also be a big revenue stream for them.

The focus on NX from Nintendo's POV now likely is to make it as profitable as possible.

Even if they only get say 70-80 million users (assuming it is a fusion platform) ... that's still a very workable base that you can make a lot of money from.


Then what IS the priority for the NX? To only cater to Nintendo fans? Then you get Wii U numbers...

But how are they going to reach 70-80m users? That's pretty damn good numbers, but how are they going to reach those numbers if they're not trying to make it as appealing as possible to as many as possible?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.