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Materia-Blade said:
DanneSandin said:

And maybe they have a point. Just look at Tekken tag Tour 2 on Wii U; perhaps the best version of that game, sold horribly. Resident Evil 4 for GC; 1.7m compared to 3.6m on PS2 (granted, PS2 had a far larger instalbase). RE4 didn't sell badly at all, don't get me wrong, but Capcom apparently wasn't too happy with the results. Or just look at Rayman Legends on Wii U... The PS4 version, released a year after the Wii U version, have sold better!

I'll say this though, 3rd parties have themselves to blame for a lot of their abysmal sales on Nintendo systems. They're not really trying all that hard lots of the time, and lots of Wii U ports have been quite late compared to when other systems got the games. Of course they can't expect good sales!

All of this kind of ties in with gamers trust with Nintendo. EVERYONE knows Nintendo delivers great game experiences. Everyone knows Nintendo makes good games. BUT, they're not making games for everyone. And that's the problem. Lots and lots of gamers see Nintendo games as "kiddie" (and they're wrong, mind you) and will not therefore buy Nintendo systems. This is an image Nintendo has had since the SNES days, and that only got amplified with the GC and Wii. And that's kind of what I meant with "gamers trust"; gamers can't depend/trust on Nintendo to deliver "their kind of game", something aking to Halo/Uncharted/Forza/The Last of Us.

If Nintendo wants 3rd party support and "general" gamers, they need to create the right enviroment for them. They need to create something that catches gamers eyes, something a bit more "dark" and forboding, something "mature" - and not just ONE of those games, but several. This will create an incentive for gamers to pick up a Nintendo console AND luring 3rd parties back to Nintendo since Nintendo themselves have created an eco system where 3rd party games can thrive, by creating similar experiences to get gamers to buy their console. BUT, the console need to be on par with the competition, or else people will get their 3rd party games on other consoles since they look and run better there.

I think you misread. I said third parties KNOW their games DO SELL on nintendo systems.

Did takken release simultaneously with others?

Re 4 was a last gen port, it sold uber numbers on wii.

Rayman legends released on ps4 5 months after the other versions. It only outsold the other versions due to installed base. check the sales and you can see ubisoft has no room for complains about rayman sales on wii u.

"BUT, they're not making games for everyone." actually, games for everyone is exactly what nintendo does.

"If Nintendo wants 3rd party support and "general" gamers, they need to create the right enviroment for them."

They always do. even the weirdest case (the wii) had it and thirds wasted the opportunity. I'm not talking about porting all ps360 multiplats but third parties could simply use their know how from gamecube development to at least try and do something. Take 2 would have sold millions of GTA copies if they ported the ps2 games, and square enix could have portedsome ps and ps2 FF. that's without mentioning original games.

Lol! Yes, I misread!

Dangit! Tekken released two months after, BUT with additional content. And looking at Rayman on PS4, releasing afterwards doesn't neccesserily mean less sales.

PS4's instal base was 5.9m at the time of Rayman's release, not a HUGE number. Wii U at the same period had 5.8m.

RE4 was a port on BOTH PS2 and Wii, and it still sold better on PS2.

No, their games are RATED E for everyone, but they're not making a wide range of games. They're all mostly E, maybe a few Teen rated games here and there. How many Mature games do they release a year? When I said that they don't offer something to everyone I meant to say that they're not widely diversive. Yes, they're making games over a wide section of genres, but they all tend to be rated quite similarly. Being diversive doesn't only mean you make a lot of different genre, it also means you make games for different age groups as well.

Yes, I agree that 3rd parties could and should have supported Wii a lot more. The last gen porting of GTA was a great example! BUT, you gotta remember the stigma of the Wii; it was a console for casuals. For soccer moms and grandma's. Does that sound like a healthy enviroment for a GTA port? No. But the truth is that RE4 did quite well, so GTA probably would have to. But that's what I'm talking about, had Nintendo lead the way and created these kind of games themselves maybe 3rd parties would have tried to release more mature games on the console. But let's not forget the mature games 3rd party publishers actually released; No More Heroes and Red Steel. Neither franchises sold very well. They did respectful numbers, but considering the instal base they could have done much better.

Like I've said again and again, Nintendo needs to lead the way for 3rd parties if those games are to sell well on Nintendo consoles. Nintendo needs to try and get other gamers other than Nintendo fans to buy their consoles. I think they made the right call launching the Wii with the "darkest" Zelda with it. They need to do it again. I'm not talking about making a Mature Zelda. No. Make another Teen Zelda (note that I'm talking about Ratings here) and launch it with the next home console, or have it ready for the 2nd holiday. That's a great start. Make a sequel to Eternal Darkness and a "darker" Metroid, a la Prime, and maybe a few new IP's. Support 3rd party developers in making more "adult" games for their console. Make sure to have Bayo 3 ready within the first year. That's the kind of things that'll drive gamers to Nintendo, and not only the good old faithfuls. Nintendo cannot survive on the fans alone.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

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