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My favourite is Mario Kart 8


Btw: I think the comparison is a bit unfair. Scince u listed much more good Wii U games but only 1 good Ps4 Game.

Most people that just own 1 console will mostly vote for the one good game on their system, while Wii u owners have to spit their votes between Smash, Kart and 3d Wörld.

To be honest, all of this 3 Wii U games are MUCH better as InFamous SS, but the vote favourite SS. At least you should have place Driveclub in this. And each number of games for each system with similar metascores.

Just a other question:

I just compared the esclusives of all 3 consoles and noticed, each got a open world game a bit similar to GTA.

Sunset OverDrive

InFamous SS

Lego City Undercover

If i check Metaciritc all get score of 80.
So I wonder if anybody played all 3, which one would u prefer?

BTW: The game have some more similarities
- no realism
- Open World in a City
- All got a console bundle