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My tip is to walk with your 3DS more often, if you don't already have maximum play coins. When you die you have an option to spend your play coins, instead of macca. Trust me, you will NEVER have enough macca in this game unless you grind for relics.

As already stated, the beggining can be a bit overwhelming for beginners. I'm a veteran SMT player, yet the Naga/Minotaur/Medusa boss killed me a lot of times. After that you will have more freedom to grind/do quests, etc and the game becomes easier until the end, when the difficulty comes back again. Also don't forget: you unlock easy mode by dying a few times (3 times, if i remember correctly). So, if you want an easier difficulty don't load the game back, just deal with it that you lose some macca/play coin. I hope you enjoy this game, i think it's a great game even though it's not the best SMT game out there.