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Conina said:
Chazore said:

I'm pretty sure the Gamespot guy already knew this but because PC gaming is dying again and has less exclusives and attention that there was no obvious need to mention them.

Why do PC games have to be exclusive when the PC version of multiplatform games (almost every third party game finds its way to PC sooner or later) is the best version in most cases?

Oh, and I'm having much fun with Dreamfall Chapters, République Remastered, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Deponia: The Complete Journey, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and The Talos Principle these last weeks. Wasteland 2, Cities: Skylines, Civilization: Beyond Earth, Elite: Dangerous, Shadowrun: Dragonfall D.C. and Divinity:Original Sin also doesn't seem to be so bad (haven't played them yet) and I love the shown progress in Star Citizen.

In a few weeks I can finally play Armikrog and Pillars of Eternity, in a few months Asylum, Silence: The Whispered World 2 & The Devil's Men.

So how long would I have to wait for these games to be released on consoles?

I was being sarcastic =P, I'm part of the PC userbase like you are and was making a jest at the myth that PC gaming is dying and how PC gaming somehow isn't important when it matters but is when it's time to get critical of it which was why I made the original quote.

I actually can't wait till I get my new parts, then I can grab Cities Skylines, play Ground Zeroes, Alien Isolation, Shadow of Mordor, Nazi zombie trilogy and MGSV PP.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"