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It just goes to show you that because you sit up online all day and think you know what you are talking about doesn't mean that the mass market will follow you. This thread is tragic.. but mostly epic. People really thought that the Wii's success was anything but a fad...

When the mass market is done with you, its done. The Wii was an outliner and I think that people are so fansided that they literally can't see that. They think that that is normal for Nintendo. Its not. I was expecting it to return to GameCube levels of sales. And there is nothing wrong with that... its just returning to normal.

I love Nintendo and its fans, but I hate it when people let themselves become blinded to reality. The Wii didn't sell 100+ million because Mario and Zelda are great games. It sold well because it was a toy for adults and just like most toys, people outgrow them.