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Which One should I get?

I'm thinking about getting a 3DS for playing Omega Ruby and Majoras Mask 3D. Possibly ocarina of time 3D and pokemon Y.


3DS XL Pros:

- Much cheaper, 160 dollars new, 100 dollars used


3DS Cons:

-not the most modern version of the 3DS


New3DS XL Pros:

-More buttons, longer battery life, looks nicer

-c-stick helps with majoras mask

-better 3D but I don't really care

-some exclusive games but not enough for me to care

-looks nicer


New 3DS Cons:

-Very expensive 200 dollars + tax not including the 40 dollar games

-c-stick doesn't work all that great from what i'v heard


I can't decide! I think I might wait until the price of the New3DS goes down to about 150-160 dollars...