0815user said:
mornelithe said:
Wrong. Journalists aren't above criticism any more or less than anyone else. It's not devs jobs to come up with games that specifically cater to one person either. Maybe that journalist should take that into account? If he's not going to contribute anything of actual substance in his complaints, there is no reason, at all to lend an ear to anything he has to say. It's not constructive, nor is it adding anything of value to the conversation. Doesn't mean he isn't within his rights to air said grievances, just doesn't mean anyone has to care, either.
as a professional one should be able to keep grieving and other emotions at a minimum level and just focus on facts but that's not the main problem. i'm sure most of these gaming journalist would be able to do so but they purposely don't. it's all about creating as much controversy as possible just for the sake of getting paid. do we really want a fox news of gaming?
Well, that's pretty much all of the major gaming sites, unfortunately.