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To anyone considering getting the PS3, even if you have a 360, I HIGHLY recommend it. What better argument is there than without one you will be missing out on some really great games.

I have all three systems, and I love them all, but of the three my PS3 has been getting the most use. It plays all my movies, has free online gaming, and I buy all my multi-platform games on it now due to it's better reliability than 360 (I've been through 2), plus it's got a flood of great software on the way.

the wii is cool but more of an event system for gamers, with a few must have exclusives across the life of the system just like every Nintendo system before it (Mario, metroid, etc.).

I love the 360's exclusive library too, but I've been playing it less lately. I'm just a little bitter about the problems I've had and tend to use it for exclusives only now (so hopefully it will last longer.)