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Captain_Yuri said:

Right, but I very much doubt that he has any possibility of seeing if it was a hacking, let alone prove it. Perhaps Sony could check and see. Though like you said, even if they do, and it appears to have happened, they probably wouldn't admit it.

But the reality is, a lot of people are stupid with their passwords, and have been since their inception. Even I have guessed a stranger's email password correctly before. On the first try.
So what do you think is more likely? That a person used illegal measures to hack this particular PSN account, only to waste the guy's money and activate his own PS4 (which I'm guessing Sony can easily see which one it is, and shut it down). Or that this guy has been careless with his password, and now in his desperation wants to try to get back what he lost?

I would guess it's the latter.
It's a very common thing that happens all the time. People screw up, and then they blame someone else to try to to recuporate their loss.
 Why just a few months back I threw away my iPhone charger, and planned to buy a new one. And a week later I read an article about how that particular model tends to burst into flames, that Apple will exchange your old charger for a new one that's safer. Maybe you can guess what I told Apple when I called them up. Hey, they're a multi billion dollar company, and sold me a product that could have burnt down my house while I was sleeping. I figured they owed me as much. lol

Hmm maybe there is a confusion somewhere cause when I said he provided "clear proof," I was referring to the fact that he had unauthorized transactions in his account and not that he proved how someone hacked it and etc cause in order for him to prove it to that level, he would probably need admin access to PSN as well as a lot of other things.

And sure, it could be that his password sucks and its could be that its 123456789 but that doesn't stop the fact that he had unauthorized transactions done in his account. Sony is even investigating it and said that they have found the IP of the person was traced back to somewhere in Europe. Now, people are idiots all the time, thats a proven fact but a good company with a good customer service would refund him the money when an unauthorized transaction like this has happened regardless of whoes fault it is because he didn't make those transactions... Someone else did! And its all digital so all they would have to do is deactivate the games on his account and refund him the money. He is only asking for his $600 back and he has every right to get it back and Sony are idiots for not doing so cause this is exactly how you break trust

It is impossible for him to have a European friend? I have lots of European friends. Where the IP Address is from does not prove a thing. So I can get one of my Euro friends to give me their info and buy stuff on their credit card and get FREE stuff?!?! SWEET!!!!...... Then I will give them mine and they can get free stuff!!! :) 

Totally not going to do that but you get my point