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binary solo said:
mornelithe said:

Exactly.  Kind of flabbergasted how many people here would first seek Sony's input, rather than going directly to their bank, signing an affidavit, having the money refunded, and terminating any and all PSN transactions from your bank account w/o your prior notice.  While you're out jacking off w/ Sony Customer Service, someone's out buying a car, applying for a loan etc... w/ your CC. *golf clap*

My credit card company contacted me over the phone when they noticed an unusual transaction, and it happened to be someone fraudulently using my card (not a PSN purchase). I said just over the phone, transaction was not made by me, the immediately reversed the transaction, cancelled my card and issued a new card.

My situation was slightly more complex, but really not very complicated.  Woke up before work, checked my account, my paycheck had been deposited.  On the way to work, stopped to pick up a coffee, card declined.  Got to work, checked account, $2000 withdrawal between the time I left for work, and the time I got there...from a location in Cyprus.  Went to my bank immediately (In Vermont), let them know, signed an affidavit and they refunded the amount, this whole sequence took me about an hour to an hour and a half (half hour in the bank, the rest would be travel time).  Granted, it's pretty easy to challenge a withdrawal that's taken place from thousands of miles away w/in the past hour, and you're standing in front of them heh.

This entire situation just seems implausible, given the new PS4 attached to this account.  So...where's this PS4 located?  They've got SN# files, where was it shipped, where was it sold etc... ?  It doesn't feel like things are adding up quite right.