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Wyrdness said:


I've read what you posted and it's inconsistent,  360 launched 2005 yet we didn't get highly ambitious titles until 2008 which is about the same amount of time Nintendo has taken highlighting what you're saying in some of your points is from a skewered point of view hence the inconsistencies. For the first 4 years of HD ambitious games were far and few as the industry learnt the trade which is why 7th gen has lasted for so long. It is expensive to do ambitious projects why do you think many of them are AAA projects with the aim of being big hits, comparing 7th gen to 8th gen is such a flawed argument in the context you're using as the tools and tricks are already figured out and available for 360 and PS3 allowing development to be more efficient. The 8th gen is still early in with all of the tools still being created and tricks still being refined, it took 4 to 5 years for the industry to get going on the 360 and PS3 for example.

Quality is relevant especially in the context you're pushing on reasons to buy a console, no matter how ambitious a game is it's quality is always the major factor in the end, explain how Nintendo would have been able to do 4 player SM3DW on the Wii? explain how W101 would have worked on the Wii while rendering everything it does as even 7th gens would struggle? How would you get 8 players in Smash on the Wii? These are a few flaws in the stance you're pressing, ambition is also not just about pushing the hardware ambition can also be pushing a concept like W101 is an action title like no other.

The 360 had started releasing highly ambitious titles in less than 12 months. Especially Gears of War and The Elder Scrolls IV, both praised immensely for their ambition and how they pushed the TPS and open world RPG genres forward. Titles like that are why people are disappointed that they haven't made similar jumps with the PS4 and X1 yet (though such games appear to be on the way; it's just taken a year longer. Better than 3 to even hit 7th gen standards).

And yes you're right. I'm sure the Wii would crumble at the knees if it had to run 4 whole character models at once. Silly me. (To actually answer your question: both games could run fairly easily with linear asset scaling, and removing non-gameplay related effects. It's the same way we get titles like DA:I or FarCry 4 to run on the PS3/360. We could likely get some lower key games to run on the PS2 too, again with linear scaling. It's magical stuff ^^).

As I said though, this conversation is looping (we've gone full circle twice now :p). I really don't have the energy to bother with it anymore. Believe whatever tickles your fancy, I'm out. *jumps*