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Samus Aran said:

How many were open world 3D platformers? Don't even mention Crash Bandicoot, that might as well be 2D.

Mario 64 isn't open world.  You've got an incredibly small castle hub and then a set of levels that are not interconnected with the castle.  The levels are open, but it's not an open world game. There are 3D games that don't have bad cameras, and then there's 3D games that the camera doesn't suck as bad as Mario 64.

Castlevania 64 gets bashed for having a bad camera, but that's really because of a few early platforming sections.  The platforming works well for nearly the entire game.  Better camera than Super Mario 64 that's for sure.

Jet Force Gemini, Spyro series, Nightmare Creatures, Soul ReavermBrave Fencer Musashi, Threads of Fate, have better cameras and are in the whole action/platforming genre.

Games that aren't platformers need a good camera too.  Armored Core, Twisted Metal, Vigalante 8, Rogue Trip, Spec Ops, etc.  Think of how bad Spec Ops would have been if it didn't have a good camera.

Thing is, games didn't have to have a great camera to beat out the one in Super Mario 64.  The game is well known for having one of the worst cameras in existance.