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Ok, some news about Star Citizen and Cities: Skylines.


Star Citizen Nearing $75 Million

The upcoming PC space sim from Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts is about to hit another funding milestone.

The game's current funding stands at $74.9 million, and at the pace it's been rising of late, it could cross $75 million by later today. This is up from$74 million less than two weeks ago. More than 794,000 people have backed the campaign to date.

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>>And that was yesterday.


Star Citizen's release client will likely be at least 100GB in size says RSI

In a recent Star Citizen Q&A with Robert Space Industries, the developers behind the mammoth crowdfunded space sim have estimated that the client will be around 100GB big at release. What’s more, due to assets that are at times 200MB each, patches could be anywhere between 2GB to 20GB in size.

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>>That's huge!!
Btw, if someone was thinking about playing this game on a SSD, The Tech Report has been doing an endurance test with 5 different SSDs and today they have posted the final article. You can read it here: The SSD Endurance Experiment



Cities: Skylines becomes Paradox's biggest selling game at release: 250,000 copies sold

Paradox’s superb city-builder, Cities: Skylines has become the company's most successful title at launch. The game sold over 250,000 copies within its 24 hour release window, more than any other Paradox game, ever. The achievement has put wide grins on both developers Colossal Order, and Paradox CEO Fredrik Wester.

“We knew that we had a great game on our hands.” Wester said in a press release. “Our congratulations and thanks must also go to developer Colossal Order for making what is being widely described as the new benchmark of the city building genre.”

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>>The King (Maxis-SimCity) is dead, long life the King! And gamers seem to like it


Cities: Skylines gets over 2,000 mods in one day

Cities: Skylines has been live for just over a day, and if the Steam Workshop is anything to go by, its longevity is assured. There are, at the time of writing, 2,353 entries in the Steam Workshop ranging from ambitious, entirely new models to new colours for existing buildings. I’m already making a list for my next city.

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Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.