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Materia-Blade said:
Zekkyou said:
Wyrdness said:

Isn't the point of a console is to have great games? I'd rather have a number of great games with a few ambitious games (that are great as well) here and there then a load of Ambitious but mediocre to decent games. Given how the industry itself has yet to deliver on any ambitious title barring this gen outside of the Wii U imo which already has a title in Bayonetta 2 I further stand by my view in this regard especially as the best ambitious game out from the industry in the past has been a remaster in GTAV.

Yes, and the point of charging people hundreds of dollars for better hardware is to use that hardware to deliver new experiences, not to step into the shadow of your predecessor. The closest thing to ambition we've had on the WiiU is Bayonetta 2 (though B2's ambition is mostly limited to visual scale), and that not only wasn't developed by Nintendo, but still released almost 2 years after launch.

As curl-6 said, they should have started delivering such experiences right out of the gate. Instead we've been given HD Wii/3DS titles.

Have you noticed how many people have been complaining about the number of cross-gen releases on the PS4 and X1? Such titles usually provide little in the way of next-gen ambition (there are exceptions like Shadow of Mordor, that's 7th gen version was barley able to keep up), thus do little to justify either console. That's why we see people actively celebrating when a title is 8th gen only (such as The Witcher 3). Those are the games that have a chance of providing experiences that couldn't be fully realized on the PS3 and 360. Those are what people bought a PS4 and X1 for. The same applies to the WiiU.

If you think that, then ps4/x1 only got hd hd ps2 titles.

Seriously, how can someone say that wii u games are hd wii/3ds titles?

Someone who's never played a 3DS game in his life I reckon.