Don't remember if I commented in this thread originally, but it is interesting to go back just 2-3 years and see that we are off base in almost all of our predictions. The more interesting thing to see is that because there are so many predictions, we always have a few people relatively close to what actually happens. I would sum it up to a statistical reality of the happening.
I always thought the the original Wii was a fad. Doesn't mean it didn't have good games. Just that it was a fad. I also always thought that based on the Wii name being brought to the WiiU, that it would hurt it's sales. The problem with fads are that people go from loving/wanting it during its peak to hating it shortly there after. Usually takes many years before people appreciate it again and it gets thought of fondly.
Regardless, I am more than surprised that the WiiU won't sell closer to 30+ million to 40 million. Nintendo really screwed up on the WiiU...
It is near the end of the end....