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After watching that clip...

Ahhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha... NO.

Military shooter fanatics I have no real understanding of, since I am not at all interested in military shooters. But I have enough of a idea of what it might be about military shooters that gets the fanatics hooked. And based on that short clip Splatoon has nothing to attract the interest of military shooter fanatics.

PvZ Garden Warfare is a much better game for trying to attract shooter fanatics to a more lighthearted type of multiplayer shooter-style game, and look how that sold on the actual platforms that have all the military shooter fanatics in residence. It's sold OK, but not at the level of the most popular military shooters.

The fact that these shooter fanatics would also have to go out and buy a Wii U, if they haven't got a Wii U already it means buying a Wii U just for this one game and for no other game in the forseeable future, creates a huge barrier for entry even if a lot of shooter fanatics do develop somewhat of an interest in this game.

It looks like it will be a fun game. But it's not a game that is designed to appeal to the military shooter fanatics, and so it won't appeal to these gamers.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix