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I have both and I enjoy both. I use my PS4 more because I play most multiplatform games on it, like its exclusive and bought it before an XB1 but I also like XB1 for its exclusives. Both are almost equal in my eyes, so its hard to choose one over the other.

But in-depth, I like XB1's UI more, I only have online on PS4 so I can't judge XB1 fairly, controller it goes to PS4 and exclusives, well it depends. I didn't play any Halo game except CE before getting MCC, so what I got was essentially a new experience with some of the greatest games ever. So if you consider that exclusive to XB1, then XB1 wins.

But to be fair, I'd compare Forza Horizon 2 and Ryse with PS4 exclusives. I'd put Ryse a bit worse than KZ: SF, both of which I only played an hour or so, and enjoyed neither. As for Forza Horizon 2 I'd put it slightly above Driveclub, and slightly below Infamous: Second Son in terms of my enjoyment. And I also enjoyed The Order: 1886. Infamous: Second Son remains the best current-gen exclusive game for me. So in this case PS4 wins.