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Chark said:
So a game has nothing to do with its gameplay... I get it now. Graphics is superior!

Nah, I look forward to this game though I got to say I am a fan of turn based and not too thrilled about the switch. Button mashing or action based mechanics tend to be really boring if they lack a lot of diversity. It's one of the main reasons I didn't like Kingdom Hearts very much. I just hope the game's item/weapon/armor/magic/attacks aren't completely lacking or its going to have a problem. That and it better have all the sidequests FFXIII was missing. I don't want this thing to feel like the entire game is the walkway to the final boss.

Turn-based games tend to be way more repetitive. Battles in FF games have always been repetitive. That's just the nature of the games. If each enemy required you to change the way you fight, then I'd agree. But 90% of the games had you simply unleach your most powerful attacks, or spam the fight command.

Final Fantasy games barely ever asked the player to think strategically. Odd exceptions were the occasional bosses, some unique special enemies, and uber monsters/weapons. Those aren't nearly enough to pretend the actual games were strategic or deeper because of their turn-based nature.