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As scientists have confirmed, it is natural for the brain to focus on what we percieve to be negative, and what individuals dechiper as either being a positive or negative sensation varies greatly. And in this world where a lot of people seemingly spend a lot of time indulging in what makes them tick, be aggresive, discontent and sour, the question comes in as to why more people dont chose to focus on what elevates them and gives them a sense of relief, satisfaction, joy and contentment.

im a firm believer that where you place your energy, focus, thoughts and intent, is where youll end up. Just take the internet for example, if youre n a foul mood, youll google articles about how the world is foul, and suddenly you are surrounded by words that encourage this notion.

we all have the choice to focus on what feels right and well for us,

so my obvious question is, what makes YOU happy? And what gets you into a good mood?