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For all of the progress that we've made as a race, we're still largely a bunch of tribal apes who get scared by new things, and little differences. Maybe if we stop allowing the corporate overlords to pray on those fears, we would find more common ground and build a world that is worthy of our potential.

That's going require our spiritual and political leaders to look beyond profit as a motivator - which mostly amounts to us growing up and selecting new leadership based on merit/logic rather than charisma/passion. As long as corporations are considered people, elections are popularity contests, and we deny the discoveries of the scientific method on a grand scale, meaningful change and progress will be all but impossible.

Rascism has been directly tied to increased activity in the fear centers of the brain. That's why extreme gun advocates tend to be racist and otherwise paranoid as a rule. Xenophobia is a powerful fear. Deep and painful introspection/contemplation has to be undergone in order to free one's self from its grasp. That requires courage on the part of the person looking to change and support from friends and family.

Logical arguments do little to combat fear - that's why it's used so heavily in politics to coerce the unwary. Simply telling people that racism is "wrong' won't be enough for those who have been cut deep psychologically by pain. We need to stop demonizing racists and start looking for ways to help them overcome their fears and insecurities.

... Sorry for the rant. I've been thinking a lot about this topic over the weekend. I have a racist father-in-law who awakens great anger in me and it takes the better part of my resolve to avoid exploding on him - despite the fact that I know full and well that argument only acts to cement the viewpoint being attacked in any debate.

Normally, I'd simply "let it be," but he appears to be spiraling downward quickly as of late and my wife seems hurt by the whole affair. There are real dangers to succumbing to fear and hate, and we seem to be bringing them to a head right now in the U.S. It's a toxic climate and one that I hope we can begin to remedy.

Retro Tech Select - My Youtube channel. Covers throwback consumer electronics with a focus on "vid'ya games."

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