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Hynad said:

You can count the reviews. But how can you count the split in the fanbase?

50% Please, give me the list of players you are using. Surely, you know that the minority is always the most vocal. 

The internet blew up after the release of FF13 with people bashing it left and right how crappy a game it was.  You might have seen one or two people around the time it launched in forums you frequented that made the comment they liked it.  

Despite the 89 that IGN gave it, it made the #1 disappointing game of the year on their list.  One of their lists which is a collaboration from a group of editors  This is pretty much a statement of retraction for their review.  They first overrate it, then they shit all over the game. 

"Okay. Final Fantasy XIII is, without question, the biggest gaming disappointment of 2010. Square Enix promised fans so much and under-delivered in every area, apart from utterly gorgeous raw presentation values. It's true – XIII is pure spectacle, but the gameplay is so vanilla, linear and unmoving that we really wonder how the design process made it as far as it did without anyone raising some warning flags.

Being merely 'okay' isn't good enough for the Final Fantasy series. These games have a heritage and pedigree to maintain, and thirteen games in, this instalment indeed proved unlucky. The characters are routinely awful and uninteresting, the storytelling is a jumbled mess that meanders through bland subplot – and then there's the gameplay, which consists of essentially moving in a straight line for the first twenty hours, repeatedly hitting X.

Some have praised this entry for signalling a bold departure for the series; a change of direction and a new flavour. Frankly, if this is how Square Enix views the future direction of its major JRPG releases, we're more than a little irked."