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curl-6 said:
Cloudman said:
Wow, things got really heated in this thread.

It's a Xenoblade Chronicles X thread, there's always at least one person dropping in to make the obligatory "PS2 grafix" comment, which invariably leads to debate.

The real issue is people can't think for two seconds before posting.  If these people would think ahead and say "I don't like the art style" or "I don't like how this looks," things would be fine.  Congrats, you have an opinion.  But no, they say PS2 graphics which is not an opinion, it's an objective statement on technical quality that is demonstrably false.  If people would *think* before they post, things would be much better.

But when someone does post the PS2 graphics stuff, just ignore them folks.  Not worth the time if they are still saying that.