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SlimShadyDroid said:

Actually, smartphones have a PPI of over 500 these days (Samsung Galaxy S6/Note 4 come to mind). The thing about T.Vs is that the ditance between the viewer and T.V. is usually enough to make a low DPI a non-issue (though they are bringing out 4k and 8k).

Computer monitors and Laptops (looking at you, Macbook air, you ugly screen having peice of crap) have very low resolution screens, but they are bringing out higher res displays (UHD, QHD). 

I was talking about the worst cell-phones, because that is where Nintendo would look. 

No need to clarify the other stuff, I know it already, it isn't relevant to the discussion at hand though: whether or not screens within the required pixel density (QVGA) are still frequent enough so that costs of production don't increase.