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Here is the new board:



One of the new cards available:


"The Battlecry of five mana cost Rogue card Dark Iron Skulker, for example, backstabs every enemy minion on the board. The Blackwing Technician is buffed if you have a dragon in your hand. Blizzard expects players will construct Dragon and Dwarf-themed decks upon the expansion's release."

I'm curious to know how exactly players will be able to construct dragon and dwarf themed decks with only 31 new cards coming out...

Anyway, I'm really excited!!

Rend Blackhand (Legendary)
7 Mana (8/4)
Effect - Battecry: If you're holding a Dragon, destroy a Legendary Minion.

-Dark Iron Skulker (Rogue Rare)
5 Mana (4/3)
Effect - Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all undamaged enemy minions.

-Grim Patron (Rare)
5 Mana (3/3)
Effect - Whenever this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron.

-Hungry Dragon (Common - Dragon)
4 Mana (5/6)
Effect - Summon a random 1-cost minion for your opponent.

-Blackwing Technician (Common)
3 Mana (2/4)
Effect - If you're holding a Dragon, gain +1/+1