Question 1:
How familiar are you with Nintendo?
(Please choose only one)
❏ Extremely familiar
Question 2:
How often do you play video games?
(Please choose only one)
❏ Daily
Question 3:
What age group do you belong in?
(Please choose only one)
❏ 35-44
Question 4:
How many people use gaming devices in your household?
(Please choose only one)
❏ 1
Question 5:
What type of gaming device is your preference?
(Please choose only one)
❏ Home console
Question 6:
How likely are you to think of Nintendo the next time you purchase a smartphone?
(Please choose only one)
❏ Somewhat Likely
Question 7:
Which activities do you use most on your mobile device?
(Please choose all that apply)
❏ Calling/Texting
Question 8:
Which features are most important to you in a mobile device?
(Please choose all that apply)
❏ Long Battery Life
❏ Easily portable
Question 9:
If using a mobile device with phone service, how would you rate the importance of in-game voice communication?
(Please choose only one)
❏ Not very important
Question 10:
How do you prefer to purchase your games?
❏ Purchasing a boxed physical copy with a game card
Question 11:
If this product were available today, how likely would you be to buy this product?
(Please choose only one)
❏ Somewhat Likely
Question 12:
How much would you be willing to pay for these features?
(Please choose only one)
❏ $100 to $199
Really, in order for something like this to get a purchase from me, it needs to be designed around gaming first and foremost, especially under the premise of replacing the 3DS. The smartphone features are of secondary importance.