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I saw the movie yesterday. A decent movie, though I started getting motion sick from the bad shaking from the film, that is another topic though. I was intrigued by some of the conversations Ben Stein had with a few of those scientists.

I am not here to argue for or against either side. But when you have scientists pushing the idea that life was born on the backs of crystals... Or that life could have been seeded by aliens, so long as those aliens were created by some evolutionary process, aka NO GOD... I start to think that they are living in a fantasy world themselves.

Doesn't it take more faith to believe in something that happened perfectly randomly than to believe that One Intelligent Being created life? Just saying that there are things that science can never explain, but will try regardless and will be accepted.

Also the movie was brilliant in showing the logical steps that evolutionary theory has had on history and the thinking of (wo)men. If you carry evolution out to its logical conclusion, then there is no morality, no right or wrong, no meaning, etc. Therefore the evils in the world have some reason to explain away their own guilty conscience (ie. Nazism in Germany, Eugenics, Euthanasia, and many many more).

The movie also mentioned that the old scientists believed that science and religion were not mutually exclusive like most scientists seem to believe today. If you believe in one, you cannot believe in the other in good conscience.