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Chazore said: said:

Wait, westwood studios is completely dead? :( That makes me a very sad panda.

Not completely, half of them went to work with EA, that team made:

C&C Red Alert 3

C&C 3

C&C Kanes Warth

C&C 4

Unfortunetly C&C 4 flopped pretty hard due to it trying to be like Dawn of War style of gameplay (capping areas for example instead of all out battling), they killed base building, put a unit cap on the only version of the game which has been known for never needing a unit cap and the rpevious installments never had unit caps and to top it all off they held your hand by visually telling you which units were good against what, made those not good against other units shoot a different laser colour and do nothing at all, all while giving next to no proper grounded closure towards the ending of the Tiberium universe, probably the worst ending I've ever seen in an RTS game ever let alone a game that came out in 2010.

EA closed down that team they had with them some time after C&C sold bad and got panned, they then decided to make a new team around 2012-2013 called Victory studios (later Victory Bioware) who were supposed to be working on C&C Generals 2, while using the Frostbite 2 engine the game looked really amazing and looked promising, they even let some fans in on the alpha/beta testing with the studio close by to really make this a turning point for C&C.

Sometime during 2014 I believe EA out of nowhere just cancelled the game and dissolved the studio, ever since then we've had next to no enws about a C&C game and with what's happened recently with Maxis and Sim city/Sims I see the exact same scenario happening all over again.

EA just can't be trusted to handle bought studios/ip's, they leave them to rot or handle them very badly, that's another great ip/studio gone in the rubbish pile that probably won't be recycled again until 5 years or more from now, maybe never because EA probably thinks we don't want another Sim City/Sims/C&C game even though they should know the last one's were shit due to their mishandling and non caring approach.


The other half of Westwood has a bit of a slightly brighter story, they went on to make their own studio called Petroglyph games:

They went on to make games like Star Wars Empire at War, Universe at War and most recently grey Goo. They still make RTS type games but honeslty even with the recent release of grey Goo they aren't amazing world melting games, grey Goo looks beautiful with Weta workshop's CGI and the units in general look nice but the gameplay is limiting, slow, lacking important features like replays, 6- player maps/modes with the game only sporting 4 players tops and the campaign only going for 15 missions with all 3 factions starting mission being each factions tutorial meaning it's 12 missions in total which is pretty weak for an RTS campaign in 2015.

Still I have faith and trust PG than I would EA, although I like Titanfall, I only do so because it's not created and owned by EA since they merely published it, I worry about how Star Wars will be handled but I think EA know what's at stake with Disney involved, I can imagine they wouldn't want to screw with a corp as big and powerful as Disney as they would a few customers.

Red alert and the original C&C were by far my favorites. RA2 was really fun for awhile but I losty hope in it once I played it online. Nerds could blow eachother up in seconds. RA1 allowed for a lot of build up and drawn out wars. Things got even worse after RA2 and i lost all attratcion to the franchise, instead completely becoming engrossed in civ, which I have followed since the early 90's too.