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I`ll give it a shot.

Question 1:

How familiar are you with Nintendo?

(Please choose only one)

❏ Not very familiar

❏ Somewhat familiar

❏ Familiar

❏ Fairly familiar

❏ Extremely familiar

Extremely familar

Question 2:

How often do you play video games?

(Please choose only one)

❏ Daily

❏ Weekly

❏ Monthly

❏ Yearly

❏ Never


Question 3:

What age group do you belong in?

(Please choose only one)

❏ 0-14

❏ 15-24

❏ 25-34

❏ 35-44

❏ 45+

25 - 34

Question 4:

How many people use gaming devices in your household?

(Please choose only one)

❏ 0

❏ 1

❏ 2

❏ 3

❏ 4 or more


Question 5:

What type of gaming device is your preference?

(Please choose only one)

❏ Home console

❏ Mobile phone/tablet

❏ Computer

❏ Portable gaming device

Home console

Question 6:

How likely are you to think of Nintendo the next time you purchase a smartphone?

(Please choose only one)

❏ Not Very Likely

❏ Somewhat Likely

❏ Moderately Likely

❏ Fairly Likely

❏ Extremely Likely

Not very likely

Question 7:

Which activities do you use most on your mobile device?

(Please choose all that apply)

❏ Calling/Texting

❏ Internet Browsing

❏ Playing Games

❏ Social Media


Question 8:

Which features are most important to you in a mobile device?

(Please choose all that apply)

❏ HD graphics

❏ Long Battery Life

❏ Easily portable

❏ An Abundance of Applications

❏ High quality games

Long battery life.

Question 9:

If using a mobile device with phone service, how would you rate the importance of in-game voice communication?

(Please choose only one)

❏ Not very important

❏ Mildly important

❏ Neutral

❏ Fairly important

❏ Extremely important

Not very important.

Question 10:

How do you prefer to purchase your games?

❏ Purchasing a boxed physical copy with a game card

❏ Downloading directly from the digital store

❏ The option for both

Purchasing a boxed physical copy with a game card

Question 11:

If this product were available today, how likely would you be to buy this product?

(Please choose only one)

❏ Not Very Likely

❏ Somewhat Likely

❏ Moderately Likely

❏ Fairly Likely

❏ Extremely Likely

Not Very Likely ( What product?? )

Question 12:

How much would you be willing to pay for these features?

(Please choose only one)



Dance my pretties!

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