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ToastyJaguar said:
Kasz216 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
bdbdbd said:
ToastyJaguar said:

Who brought the Red Steal game for the Wii? That uses Epics engine. So stop complaining lol

There just not creating any new middleware for use on the Wii because their previous engines can easily be used on the Wii by other developers.

So Epic does make money off the Wii in other ways.


From Wikipedia

The associate producer of Red Steel Jean-Baptiste Duval, said in an interview with Australian video game magazine Hyper that the game runs on a modified Unreal Engine 2.5. He said that much of the Ubisoft staff had worked on the engine and knew its strengths and weaknesses. The graphics of the game have been designed to achieve a defining artistic style rather than photorealism.


The thing is, that UE 2.5 isn't the most optimal engine for Wii (as the wiki article said: modified) and i have hard time to believe that Epic would be really making money with Wii by having two games use its engine. Or can someone tell me how common Unreal Engine is in Wii games? Redsteel propably wasn't the best example of showing the systems power (although, it was one of the best looking launch games), so maybe a Wii specific engine would be preferred by the developers.

Ok this is going to be my last post on this topic.

Epic are always making improvements on their game engine, right now that is the Unreal 3 engine and Unreal 4 is being researched by Tim Sweeney the CEO of Epic. They invest huge sums of cash into creating next gen game engines and i'm not saying the Wii isn't next gen but what Epic are creating now is not possible to be implemented on the Wii, if it could, then they would. Alot of effort is put into creating the Unreal 3 engine, they are not going to go back to the Unreal 2 engine and optimise it for the Wii because there is little money to be had, the real money for them is in next gen titles like Gears of War 2.

So a lot of people are complaining about the virus comment, it is his view, respect that, other people at Epic will no doubt have other views of the Wii and they probably love it.

What i'm trying to say is, if your going to have a go at Epic for not creating games on the Wii, then you may aswell have a go at Nintendo for making their console's hardware unable to run the Unreal 3 engine. See what i'm getting at?

There you have it. Don't hate me for it though...


Well you've got the right idea... but the wrong application of it. Their real money isn't in next gen games like gears of war 2. It's in next gen games NOT like gears of war 2. Their real money is in games that they don't make. That use the unreal engine.

Which a much greater number of PS360 developers are going to use then Wii developers do to the Wii's ease of use and lower costs. The unreal engine's main bonus is that it's cheaper to liscense then create your own.

Therefore the demand on such middleware is going to be much higher on a system that has 4 times the development costs.

They could make a game on the Wii, and it is going to profit a lot more then say... Unreal Tournament, however it isn't going to be a demo of the unreal engine which is their main product.

That's what i meant. Nex- gen games like Gears of War. A game that uses the Unreal 3 engine like Bioshock or Mass Effect is next-gen.

Except it's not. Cause it's the same generation. It's a higher level of techonology that uses the current unreal engine, however unreal doesn't determine the generations. A more accurate term is "Unreal Engien 3 using games."

Or games that use the current generation of unreal engine.  As next gen urneal engine is UE4.