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ohmylanta1003 said:
Wonktonodi said:

There are 72 games a year between the ps4 ps3 and vita. While it's only about 30 games a year for any given system depending on how many each month are cross buy that's still games of many varieties don't older some on plus the day it's first released on the system.

Though for me that's all a bonus. I got plus for the cloud saving after having 3 ps3 die on me.

He clearly doesn't care how many titles are given for free each year. Remember, it's easy to give away shit for free. I'm not saying those 72 games are bad, but I could see why people wouldn't be interested in them. And for the average gamer (people not on this site), these free games are basically worthless. The average gamer would certainly prefer a free service.

I don't like paying for something I know I will not like. I didn't buy a PS4 or Xbox ONE because most of their games are uninteresting for me (I don't like modern day shooters, especially not with a gamepad, and no action-adventures; both genres forming together the bulk of their games lineup), and the rest is coming out on PC with no extra fees attached. That's also why the Wii U was the only current gen console worth buying for me, no additional fees and I won't find the games on my pc if I like them.