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bobobologna said:
BengaBenga said:

OP: Saying the PS3 is the best console ever must mean it's your first, right?
Otherwise I really wonder what games you've been playing that trounce systems like PS2/PS1/SNES/NES.

But your comment: "great exclusive games to be released in next 24 months" probably says it all.
There are a lot of strange fanboys on this site, but you must be one of the very few that prefers being a fanboy over playing great games.

Considering that my 60 GB PS3 can play almost every PS2/PS1 game, and with a linux install, every SNES/NES game, I am inclined to say that yes, the PS3 is in fact, the best console ever.

Game library wise, it's a different story. Console-wise, the PS3 is hard to beat.

 That's has to be one of the most ridiculous reasons I've ever seen given for why a console is "the best". If you want to go in that direction then the answer for right now would be the PSP or a PC.