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Wonktonodi said:

There is a wide variety of gameplay. some games the emotional feedback is from the struggle and eventual succes of doing something that was hard. Where the gameplay is the challenge, what about games where most the gameplay is making choices? The most important part of those games would be the story that leads to the choices you have to make, the looks sounds and voiceacting my be very important too, to help draw you into the narative. Gameplay might be simple interactions, that without the rest woudn't be fun.

After all video game are just pushing buttons and directional imputs, the why is ususally much more important than the what.

In these examples that you bring up, following the story is part of the gameplay. Getting emotionally attached (or detached for that matter) to certain characters is part of the gameplay.

Gameplay is not limited to inputs any more than playing with cards is limited to hand movements.

The story isn't part of the gameplay. The choices are. The story is the why. Rescuing Princess Peach is story not gameplay. 

I was going for the overly simple definition of gameplay there to make the point that most people who say it's the all important part often include much more than gameplay when they say gameplay.