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Jon-Erich said:
Slarvax said:
I'd imagine the GC didn't have the horrible droughts the Wii U had.

Actually, between March 2002 if I remember correctly and September or October 2002, the GameCube did suffer from horrible droughts. Between the release dates of Resident Evil remake and Resident Evil 0, the only major title that comes to mind that anybody cared about was Eternal Darkness and that game didn't even sell that well. In fact, the same happened roguhly every year during spring and summer. For some reason, most of the games that were worth getting on the GameCube came out early in the fall or late winter. GameCube owners were for the most part screwed from the beginning of spring till the end of summer. 

Also, GameCube had far superior third party support than the Wii least until mid 2003 when third party support almost completely collapsed and became almost what third party support on Nintendo consoles is like now. There is however one huge misconception that a lot of younger people seem to have about Nintendo and third parties. It wasn't until the GameCube that NIntendo had the infamous repuation for not being able to sell third party games on their systems, not the N64. While much of their third party support did go away when the N64 arrived, it wasn't because it wouldn't sell. In fact, most major third party games on the N64 did sell well, especially the exclusives. The Turok series for exampl sold in the millions. The N64 port of resident 2 managed to sell 500k compies despite coming out almost 2 years after the PS1 version which had already sold millions by thst point. And unlike GameCube where third party support lasted for about a year and a half, what little third party support the N64 got lasted throughout most of the system's life.

As far as Wii U is concerned, Nintendo botched it's marketing and can only seem to fix it very slowly. This is a shame since Wii U without a doubt still has the best software lineup of any 8th gen console. And before anybody says "well the Wii U has been out longer", I'd like to remind them that Wii U's best games came out within the timespan that PS4 and Xbox One have been out.

Just gonna correct one thing, here is the lineup of major Gamecube exclusives in 2002

February-Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

April-Resident Evil

June-Eternal Darkness

August-Super Mario Sunshine

September-Animal Crossing, Star Fox Adventures

October-Mario Party 4

November- Metroid Prime, Resident Evil Zero

So there was never really a prolonged drought for Gamecube in 2002.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.