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So, he said he wanted a zombie game with werewolves instead, he finds political plots boring and he hates dead moments, even though he conveniently forgot that when reviewing The last of us.

I'm sorry, but he has been getting worse and worse. QTE's are the only valid point. He also proceeds to tell us how the AI is dumb while getting his rear end handed to him multiple times during the review.

The thing is guys, this is the cost of good graphics. Going "the graphics are good but the rest sucks" is what generated the problem with this game. We must have the shiniest, prettiest graphics and thats where development time goes. The game not beeing longer has its reason right there. Its the price of graphics early in the generation.

This review only means one thing: Joe didnt want to like the game, and that is fair. We dont all have the same tastes, this isnt a game i would ever buy at full price, but even i can see that the criticism is over the top. This is what people wanted: Graphics. Thats what they got. The bro's will gobble it up without a second thought.