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KBG29 said:

 Youtube, Skype, Facebook, Netflix, and many others are already available on the PSVitaOS. Most other things run just as good through the web browser if not better. They are brining a lot of new apps to the PSVita all the time as well. We just got Snagfilms a couple of weeks ago and is on its way. When PlayStation Vue and PlayStation Music hit they will have the best TV and music services available on the platform.

Another thing to consider is this is not aimed directly at Apple and Google, it is a gamers first platform, so a lot of these apps are not as important on day one. The most important thing is making sure they have games, PS Now and Remote Play anywhere via  , and the whole library available on PS Vita right now. This is where they build the userbase, within two years they would have 50M users, and apps would start pouring in.

There's no way that a web browser will ever run things better than a dedicated app. Sorry bud, but a all-in-one solution (web browser) vs a optimized app with a specific goal will never be on equal footing.  Beyond that, could you give us a headcount on the amount of apps on a vita? I'm curious and I don't own one.

There's absolutely 100% no way that they aren't competing against apple/google.  It is literally impossible, they are in competition the second they entered the mobile race.  Think about it this way, I'm off to the store to get my first phone.  As a consumer in a free market economy, I get to choose what to spend my money on.  I go buy an iPhone, I go buy an Android or I go buy a vita phone.  It's not like i'm going to go purchase two phones to use at one time, so by making a choice and picking the iPhone, google and sony have just lost out on a sale.  If I buy the vita phone, apple and google have just lost out on a sale.  That's competition and that's as direct as you can get.  The other thing to take away is that you talk about gamers as if they aren't regular human beings, as if we don't expect certain things from a smart phone in this day and age. I'm a gamer.  I would not purchase a phone that didn't have GPS. I do a lot of traveling and this is crucial as it's replaced my stand alone GPS years ago. The lack of apps for the first few years alone would ensure that the product would kill itself before it were mature enough.  You can't just launch something bare bones in such a competitive environment hoping people will adopt so that it can get better over time, that's not how the mobile phone game is played.  

Hell all the other companies release a flagship phone every year; By the time that the phone actually gets decent support I'll have to upgrade like twice over.  That would be a very offputting - "Yeah I switched over to this new platform.  It doesn't do anything my old phones did, but I can play Vita games now."  The Vita isn't remotely like a cell phone in the sense that it doesn't become outdated every year since it's only competition comes in the form of Nintendo.  Vita is a static platform, nothing changes and it's good for years.  Phones are dynamic and become outdated very quickly.  


KBG29 said:

They do not have to step righ out in front of the train. They can market directly to the gamers who are their strongest market. These are the people they can pick up, because they are not as worried about all the little Apps on the other devices. These are the people that want Remote Play and PS Now anywhere anytime over 4G, on a device that can actully play the games. The Z3 can never compete with the Vita in this regard because you have to have buttons and sticks to control PlayStation games. Carrying a Dual Shock 4 and a mount is not the answer.  

Me: I'm a gamer, I'd still want my phone to do everything that everyone elses can do.  No compromise here, I expect my smart phone to do smart phone things first and foremost.  Gamers are regular people, and yes most of us would still be worried about all the 'little apps' on these devices.

Again with the battery propaganda. They can easily fit a 4000mHa battery into a full size Vita chassis, and that would give you 10 - 15 hours of gaming. The average users would have a very hard time running it dry on a normal work day. Even on a weekend it would have plenty for 6 hour gaming session and a night at the ball gam or whatever.

Me: Battery propoganda? The first gen Vita had an average battery life of 4 hours.  The newer Vita has an average battery life of 6 hours.  If they can fit a bigger battery in the vita chassis why haven't they? How do you know how much gaming time 4000mHa equates to? Not only that but the networking features of a phone work differently than the vita.  Vita doesn't worry about the same things, I promise the battery is utilized differently.  And isn't it counter intuitive to be playing full scale games on a work day? That's exactly why phone games work and vita games wouldn't. Again, on a phone I can pop in to (for instance) Trivia crack, play for 5 minutes on a break and pop back out. Is that really how vita games are? Because I seriously doubt it. Not only that but again the phone would have to be massive, bulky and probably wouldn't even fit in my pocket.  Id literally be making trips to and from my locker just to get a few minutes of play time in whereas now, my phone stays with me very easily and all it requires is reaching down.

The size of a Vita and a phone is much greater than a PS Phone by itself. It is way more convenient than a DS4 + mount + phone, or even a phone and a physical cradle. They alredy have an OS with three years of development, plus a hugly experienced group at Somy Mobile  Comunications. Apps are the one weak spot, but they would come quick with the huge sales momentum the device would have. Again 50M in the first two years should be no problem. This would be the #1 phone/mobile in Japan in that time.

It is way more than playing Vita games. This is a viable platform for PlayStation Now and Remote Play. It unifies the home and mobile experience. Everything under the same ecosystem, the ultmate easy to use platform which PlayStation was founded upon.


Me: Good, I'd really hope this new phone wouldn't be the same size or bigger than a phone taped to the back of a vita.  So that's reassuring.  Still not convenient at all though. Still unsightly to put it to my ear while there's joysticks poking out above my eye and below my mouth. There's more than just Apps that are the weak spot too lol. There's the fact that the hardware refresh cycle would have to be much faster, the architecture would be a bitch and a half to work out, the fact that my vita phone is more powerful than your vita phone is really weird to think about... oh yeah. There's tons of drawbacks.  There's too many sacrifices to be made just to be able to play vita games. And PSVue on your phone? Lol right. How many people have unlimited data on their phone. That would cost a fortune in overage charges. The best thing Sony can do for their mobile division is marketing, sex appeal, making the Z4 more aesthetically pleasing and incorporating the PSN services onto an Android platform.  If someone wants to take it a step further, let them buy an add on cradle to give it joystick support.  Other than that, leaving Android is far from the best idea they could do.