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Smear campaign for The Order?

If anything blame those hyping the game when all evidence pointed towards it being a mess.

When it was first trailored it looked great and there was much excitement for it. As new info came out and demo's and ect. it continued to "look" great, but majority of people were disliking the gameplay, the qte's, ect.

Then when game released there was the shortness of the game and it's 0 replayability. Combine that with the QTE's and lackluster gameplay and it seemingly deserves the "hate"

Hardly a smear campaign. Seems like a legit review.

Bloodborne from what I have seen has had zero negatives so far. It "looks" good and the gameplay seems to be what those that like these games want. It's also from a developer who has a history of making these types of games and fans like them. I mean hell even Dark Souls 2 is greatly loved and it had a MASSIVE downgrade in 'graphics' compared to its intitial trailors, demo's, ect. So even if Bloodbourne takes a huge hit in its "looks" it will still be a great game. As many who are shunned in our industry these days say "GAMEPLAY beat Graphics anyday"