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Mr Puggsly said:
platformmaster918 said:

Just as much as Ryse.  The initial trailer had lots of hype but closer to launch not so much.  Probably by launch people anticipated Ryse more simply because the amount of negative articles was less for it.  People appreciated it for what it was unlike the Order.  The Order and Ryse lived up to their respective hype levels it was clear each was going to appeal to only a certain type of person.

Regardless of what your edit in my post says, you're rewriting history.

Few were boasting about Ryse when they saw it was a QTE fest. However, when people finally played the game it was a more enjoyable experience than anticipated.

Feel free to disagree with me but I believe Sony was more deceptive about what type of game The Order was. I think they wanted people to think it had a bigger focus on gameplay than it actually did. Which is why a lot of shooting fans played it and have been disappointed.

I felt Sony's marketing for Beyond: Two Souls was also a little deceptive. There is a scene in the end of this TV ad that I naturally assumed was part of the game. But it was was just a scene from the ending, you don't actually learn what that's about. I genuinely felt mislead by Sony.

seriously?  They said black bars, they showed QTE, they said it would be filmic and story focused and all that stuff.  People complain about the same things in previews as they did in reviews.  That shows entirely undeceptive marketing.  Beyond 2 Souls is from the makers of Heavy Rain with the same director.  People knew exactly what it was going to be I mean one scene in an ad is hardly deceptive.  I'm not rewriting anything you are.  Accuse me of whatever you like.  I saw people insult and insult the type of game the Order was going to be.  Then I saw them insult and insult those same things when it finally released.  I see no discrepancy or deception there.

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