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Check out this cool custom Wind Waker GameCube:

"It was completed in 3 months, while working on other projects at the same time.The Materials I used were resin, Double component epoxy paste, acrylic paint and texturizing gel.The console is entirely hand made. Joystick ports were adorned with numbers from 1 to 4, using the Hylian alphabet. The controller’s design was inspired by a sword (that does not necessary mean that it is the Master sword). The Start button is covered by a shield but is fully functional. So are the sticks. First one is more decorative while using brass. The second one is an original item. I always try to keep unchanged something on the console. It is very difficult to customize silicon parts because it is hard to paint on it . You may have noticed the cracks on the right side. lease tell Link that he is not supposed to blow them up. Another detail you may have noticed is the fake leather covering the handle. I will just let you have a closer look at the whole."
