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Age of mythology is one of my favorite games of all time. And my fav on PC. From the simple but fun gameplay, to the story, the characters and the exceptional soundtrack it was just so good. The setting Greek Mythology was perfect too. I love it. I've still got the game on disc and have occassionaly played it just not in the last year due to time constaints. I'm considering getting the remastered version too. 

I know some of you will say there was the Titans Expansion and I'll have you know I got that too, and I love it. But I'm talking about a proper sequel. Top notch graphics along with a new story and everything we loved about the first. It's an absolute crime that ensemble was shut down and this series has been laid to rest. 

Would a good sequel be possible? I'm sure it would be hard to get a new team together and sing off a similar hyme sheet to Ensemble before them. Maybe they could make a Ryse type game but in the Age of Mythology universe as that would be suited to a PC and Console release. But I really just want an RTS like the first? 

I wonder if there is still a market for this game? I'm not sure if it was mainstream enough. Maybe it was I just don't know. 

Will it ever happen? I doubt it but I live in hope.