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DonFerrari said:
radha said:

But why are reviews bad for games and not for movies? I say is becuase of the financial risk, and that is why there is so much whining on the developers/publishers, well why cant we, consumer be protected from OUR financial risk? I dont want to wasted US$60 on a bad game when there are better options out there. Reviews are always a suggestion and consumers used to protect their investment, anyone complaining agaisnts reviews is complaining because he/she is being financially affected.

And were your friends so disapointed at the game they would rate it 2/10?

Well those that feel ripped off think is so bad they want their money back, to me that equals a 0/10.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!