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mZuzek said:
Esiar said:

Money/Points and publicity, not fame. Didn't post this for those things though

Not only are you a sellout, but you're also a liar. Such a shame.

I don't think OP is lying about not doing this thread for points but I wish he did. It always makes me sad when religious people judge other people and dictate what's right and what's wrong.


Esiar said:

All of you waste your time. That's horrible.

The best thing to do is to get Jesus and make him your Lord.

During high school I had a friend who was shoving Christian beliefs down my throat about how you should live your life and about the "truth" and I didn't like that at all. Ironically he had a very troubled life. His Christian parents kicked him out because they thought it was time for him to find a wife and his own place. He wasn't ready for that at all and he became depressed. It didn't help that his sister attempted suicide during that period. He got money from the state for food and an apartment but he overslept most of the days ending up skipping his high school courses. He was close to being kicked out but I helped him with his homework and assignments. This was during his 3rd and final year in high school (he didn't finish though and wasn't able to follow his dream about studying theology at the university).

I'm happy with my life. I love my girl friend, my family and my friends. I like my job and my hobbies. I care about other people and animals (donating a fixed amount of money to charity every month). Most of my wages I keep for my self in order to save up for my multi year journey around the world starting with Japan in September this year and then take it from there. I plan on doing some voluntary work along the way. Seeing the planet I've been placed on is the most important thing for me personally. I don't ever want to be called a sinner for that.

No one should be judged for having a hobby.. Especially not gaming (wtf!). What about people on car forums or sports forums? Are they wasting their lives "on fake happiness" as well?

My beliefs (I don't mind people disagreeing because I would be a dumbass to think I know it all): Humans are just "clever" ants (or whatever animal) and I think our spirit is only in our brain (you could argue that your spirit lives on after death in the form of memories and love in other people's minds). But besides the wonders of our beautiful minds (brains) I don't think there are more (e.g. metaphysical) things in heaven and earth. There are many unanswered questions and things that we can't explain though (e.g. dark energy in space).